What is a Nitrogen Gas Generator?

A membrane nitrogen generator system is an instrument used to separate nitrogen molecules from dry compressed air. These generators can produce up to 99.999% pure nitrogen when needed in a laboratory setting.

The compressed air is passed through a nitrogen gas filter, a hollow fiber membrane, filtering out oxygen, carbon dioxide and water leaving behind a high purity nitrogen gas. A multi-stage filter system removes other particles, dust and moisture.

Nitrogen gas filtration systems are considered the most efficient method of supplying gas, unlike gas cylinders, these systems never run out of gas and constantly supplies a consistently high purity of the gas.

Nitrogen is an inert gas meaning it does not reactive with other elements and chemicals. Highly abundant, Nitrogen accounts for around 78% of the earth’s atmosphere.

Nitrogen gas generators are typically used in the preservation of food, the pharmaceutical industry, electronics manufacturing and stainless steel manufacturing.

Benefits of On-Site Nitrogen Gas Generators

Staff Safety: The first priority of every laboratory is the safety of its staff members. On-site nitrogen generation removes the hazard of having laboratory personnel lift heavy gas cylinders around the laboratory.

Cost Saving: On-site nitrogen gas generators reduce the cost of costly nitrogen cylinders, shipping cost, time spent ordering and time waiting on a delivery to arrive.

Environmental Impact: A tremendous amount of energy is used to produce the cylinders used to store nitrogen. And releases large amounts of carbon dioxide into the air. By generating nitrogen on-site, energy can be conserved and the release of carbon dioxide can be reduced.

Shop Cleatech’s selection ofMembrane Nitrogen Generators.